
Debian: Changelog before install? 升级前看看更新记录?

Before update a package on Debian, you might want to find out what have been changed in that package. Here is how I always do:

在 Debian 里升级一个程序包的时候,你可能会想知道这个包的最新的更新记录,看看它值不值得升级。有时候只是修改说明文件里的笔误,升级没意思。我一般这么做:

reportbug package:

user$ aptitude changelog reportbug

Yes, it is simple, but you might not know before I told you. And apt-listchanges is more powerful but it is an extra package to install.

虽然简单,我不说你却未必知道。apt-listchanges 更强大些,不过它得另装一个包。
