The program is called mid3conv. It's kinda of a demo script for the python-mutagen package, hence the 'm' before the id3conv name.
Apparently, the demo tools in the mutagen is not well advised. Those are:
- mutagen-inspect (1) - view Mutagen-supported audio tags
- mutagen-pony (1) - scan a collection of MP3 files
- mid3iconv (1) - convert ID3 tag encodings
- mid3v2 (1) - audio tag editor similar to 'id3v2'
- moggsplit (1) - split Ogg logical streams
So if you want to convert some ID3 tags in legacy encoding or charset of CJK (Chinese/Japanese/Korean) in your mp3 files, try to install 'python-mutage' and use the command line tool mid3conv.