
Mplayer Soft Volume
Mplayer 的软件音量控制

最近才意识到 mplayer 是有软音量控制的,就是说它的音量改变或者静音可以不影响其他软件的音量。有时候边听音乐边用 mplayer 的时候会希望暂时关掉它的音量,以前它会直接把音卡的音量关了,音乐也别听了。现在意识到可以在启动的时候加 -softvol 选项来使用软音量控制。这样静音的就只是 mplayer 本身,而不会影响到我的 QuodLibet 了。现在我把这个选项直接写到 ~/.mplayer/config 里了。

Just realized that you could have soft volume control when using mplayer. It seems that the function was already there since 2004. Well, I only found it just now. Now I can mute mplayer while listen to music with my QuodLibet. The option is -softvol for your curiosity.





UPnP中Control Point的基本流程


Istanbul: Record desktop on Linux

This is a gstreamer application writen in Python. It can be used to record desktop activities into a movie (Ogg Theora).

伊斯坦布尔是一款在Linux下记录桌面活动的程序。是用 Python + gstreamer 写的。结果存放在 Ogg Theora 格式的电影下。



Put Chinese fonts in front of Japanese fonts in fontconfig

On Debian systems, when both Chinese and Japanese fonts are installed, the Japanese fonts will have the priority being used in front of the Chinese ones. The result is that the Serif and Sans-Serif fonts will be totally messed with ugly Japanese glyphs under a Chinese locale. You would think that fontconfig can select the right fonts accroding the current locale. :(

The solution? Using a ~/.fonts.conf file to set Chinese font as the preferred one for Serif and Sans-Serif. Direct editing /etc/fonts/fonts.conf will has your settings reset on upgrade. For a system-wised customization, do it in /etc/fonts/local.conf, this is on a Debian box.

Another advantage on using ~/.fonts.conf is that you might have users using different locales (hint: Japanese) on the same box. You don't want to interfere with other people's fonts.

修改 ~/.fonts.conf 文件,提高中文字型在系统字型中的优先次序。
简单来说,/etc/fonts/fonts.conf 会先加载我们的 ~/.fonts.conf ,然后才设定系统字型(Serif, Sans-Serif)的组合字型的优先次序。我们先设定了,系统的就在我们屁股后面了。

Use the following command to find out fonts that fontconfig knows:


$ fc-list

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- ~/.fonts.conf file to configure user font access -->
<family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni MBE</family>

<family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni MBE</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni MBE</family>

We put the Bitsteam serie fonts in front of our Chinese fonts because we don't want to see westen alphabetic glyphs from our Chinese fonts.