
Assembly Language book for beginner

推荐一本汇编语言入门的书:PC汇编语言 (PC Assembly Tutorial) ,推荐的原因不是说它写得多好,而是它写的相当简洁。

中文翻译版 177 页,每页字不多。很适合没有耐心的C/C++程序员使用。花三天时间,每天几个小时就能轻松掌握了。看完就能用汇编加速C/C++程序,这三天太值了。



对于书里描述不清楚的地方,再配合著名的 汇编的艺术(The Art of Assembly Language Programming) 查找相应的指令解释来看,就补齐了。



I've spent 3 days to finish the Chinese version of PC Assembly Tutorial. After reading the book, one should be able to get start with accelerating C/C++ programs use assembly programming. It's very easy to follow and has the right amount of examples to get you feel the language.

Highly recommend to C/C++ programmers who want to get start with the assembly language.

The reason I recommend the book is that the book is very concise and easy to follow. There's only 177 pages with not too many words per page for the Chinese version. Of course any other language version will be a little longer since Chinese script is one of the most concise script in the world. But the point still stands.

The book comes with translated version to several languages.

On the other hand, the Art of Assembly Language Programming is too comprehensive for beginners. I'd guess it's a good reference book for assembly programming but definitely not a good dive in book. At least I was not patient enough to finished it on several tries.